White Noise | A new Disability-Led performance work
White Noise | A new Disability-Led performance work
White Noise - A new work by Alisha McLennan Marler and Jessie McCall, part of the Tuarā Wairua series of disability-led performance works
WHITE NOISE - part of the Tuarā Wairua series of new disability-led performance worksWHITE NOISE - part of the Tuarā Wairua series of new disability-led performance works

AIGA | World Premiere 2024! Auckland Arts Festival + Nelson Arts Festival
AIGA | World Premiere 2024! Auckland Arts Festival + Nelson Arts Festival
AIGA (Samoan for family/whānau) is a groundbreaking and emotional Disability-led Pasifika-led work of theatre told through the lens of the real-life journey of Lusi Faiva.
AIGA | Disability-Led, Pasifika-Led accessible artistic awesomenessAIGA | Disability-Led, Pasifika-Led accessible artistic awesomenessTouch Compass is Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading professional arts organisation whose work is disability-led. We deliver high-quality performances and art activations, youth and community classes, workshops, and professional development.
Touch Compass provides a platform for disabled artists, creatives, choreographers and production personnel to advance their skills and capabilities to create, produce and deliver innovative and authentic creative experiences for local, national and international audiences. We champion disability-led work, culture, diversity, accessibility, and identity.
Tell me more about Touch Compass
Alter State Digital Launch (2021), Stephanie Awheto, multilingual sign language interpreter
Alter State Digital Launch (2021), Stephanie Awheto, multilingual sign language interpreter
Our works are disability-led, exceptional professional arts performances and arts activations.
We are multidisciplinary, ranging from dance and movement performances to theatre, digital films, visual arts, festival engagements and site-specific installations. Through our work we explore the intersection of culture and disability, and showcase Te Ao Māori (the Māori world), Va Pasifika (the spirit of Pasifika) and high-quality innovative disability-led performance. Our work can be found in venues throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.
View our work
Caught up in a joyful moment of inclusive dance and movement, two creative class programme participants
Caught up in a joyful moment of inclusive dance and movement, two creative class programme participants
Our education classes are fun and engaging, offering a solid foundation of dance, movement and togetherness for our students (tauira).
Two different offerings - our Creative Class (rangatahi and teina - youth and young adults) and our Contemporary Class (pakeke - for adults) - ensure that our creative whānau - disabled and non-disabled - grow together, working towards developing their skills in performance and enhancing social connection. These classes also have public showings throughout the year that give whānau, friends and family, and community audiences a chance to see first-hand what they've learned. Join a class today!
See the listings for the classes for more information, or contact office@touchcompass.org.nz
View our classesNews
August Newsletter - New programmes, loads of news!
Read about our new programme, with JPF Films and Ingot Films, to engage and teach skills to d/Deaf and Disabled aspirant producers/filmmakers! Photos and updates about 'Tentacular', 'Pearls' and 'Mud', Aiga - and Rodney Bell is in Europe!
Read morePearls - a new work in development by Alisha McLennan Marler and Julia Harvie
Alisha McLennan Marler and Julia Harvie's new work "Pearls" (ex-Ruffle)!
Read more

Mana Whaikaha Hautūtanga Disability Leadership "Nothing about us without us, led by us"
2025 Copyright Touch Compass Dance Trust