#a11yArts International Creative Leadership Series with world-leading dance company Candoco

Watch this free recording and learn from some of the best in integrated and disability-led arts!


Join Charlotte Darbyshire, Artistic Director of Candoco, and Kimberly Harvey, and Director of youth dance programme Cando2, in kōrero with Touch Compass Artistic Direction Panel member Suzanne Cowan about how disability consciousness is changing the landscape of integrated dance throughout Europe.
Charlotte Darbyshire is the Artistic Director for Candoco Dance Company, and is an independent artist with over 25 years’ experience of working in contemporary dance and specifically in somatic and inclusive practices as a performer, maker, teacher and director of two award-winning films.

Kimberley Harvey is the Director of Candoco's youth dance programme, Cando2. She started dancing back in 2000 as one of the original members of Cando2, then continued her dance training through Candoco when she was accepted on to the Candoco Foundation Course in Dance for Disabled and then as an Artist Associate for London during the company's three year Moving Bodies Programme.

Dr Suzanne Cowan is an artist/choreographer/researcher and has been an associate artist with Touch Compass since 1999. She recently completed an independent film, ’Slippage’, to be screened at Tempo Dance Festival on 27/28 August 2022, building on her solo autobiographical show ‘Manifesto of A Good Cripple’ which she produced and performed at the Basement Theatre in 2019.

Click here for more information and to register for this webinar!

2025 Copyright Touch Compass Dance Trust