22 Aug 2023

Pearls - a new work in development by Alisha McLennan Marler and Julia Harvie

Alisha McLennan Marler, a light-skinned female in a dark top and black and white mottled leggings, sits in a wheelchair in a darkened dance studio, scuffmarks on its black floors, walls black, lights down. She dances around a suspended discoball, didging her head this way and that, as she circles around the base of the ball, watching her reflection. Hundreds of rays of light cut through the hazy room. creating white dots on the walls and floors, in all directions.Alisha McLennan Marler, a light-skinned female in a dark top and black and white mottled leggings, sits in a wheelchair in a darkened dance studio, scuffmarks on its black floors, walls black, lights down. She dances around a suspended discoball, didging her head this way and that, as she circles around the base of the ball, watching her reflection. Hundreds of rays of light cut through the hazy room. creating white dots on the walls and floors, in all directions.

On 19 August we were treated to a showing of Pearls, in which Alisha McLennan Marler builds an intimate and fragmented space that reflects her lived experience of disability, a space where she explores her poetic, complex layers in a series in which she can be violent, rebellious, quiet, and charming all at once.

As part of the triple bill Tuarā Wairua, Pearls is a gorgeous and confronting piece; We're looking forward to further development ahead of its 2024 public performances!

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August Newsletter - New programmes, loads of news!

Read about our new programme, with JPF Films and Ingot Films, to engage and teach skills to d/Deaf and Disabled aspirant producers/filmmakers! Photos and updates about 'Tentacular', 'Pearls' and 'Mud', Aiga - and Rodney Bell is in Europe!

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Ruffle - Work in Progress!

Ruffle is a work Alisha McLennan Marler is creating with Julia Harvie - one of three disability-led dance works that form Tuarā Wairua.

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