White Noise | A new Disability-Led performance work
White Noise - A new work by Alisha McLennan Marler and Jessie McCall, part of the Tuarā Wairua series of disability-led performance works

A closeup image of Alisha McLennan Marler, a pale-skinned woman, with long flowing blonde hair. She stares deeply into her own reflection in a mirrored pane. She is surrounded by lighting hues of red, blue and pink. The image evokes personal strength and introspection
WHITE NOISE has emerged from creator Alisha Mclennan Marler’s lived experience as a mother with disability.
The work is an ongoing dance of communication - hearing and being heard, being seen and unseen, and the agency to craft our own narrative.
WHITE NOISE turns the tables of perception onto the audience - inviting them to reflect on the preconceptions that Alisha is so often confronted with as she moves through the world.
The lens of motherhood brings the reciprocal and constant interplay of parent and child into the feedback loop. Intimate experiences of parenthood intermingle with unapologetic social rebellion.
The work is both personal and utterly communal, drawing us to consider our own place in the conversation.
Striking images sit alongside virtuosic movement material in this choreographic collaboration between Alisha and choreographer Jessie McCall. Live sound manipulation playfully weaves through the work, alongside a boundary pushing score by Drew McMillan. Immersive digital design elements from Brad Gledhill (Filament Eleven 11) animate the performance space, bringing Alisha’s internal world to life.
WHITE NOISE is poignant, provocative, sensual, and not afraid to make noise.
WHITE NOISE will premiere in 2025!
2025 Copyright Touch Compass Dance Trust